Adriano (April 2017)

The transformation (photos: Sue Saunders Photography)

I ONCE (back in 2015) questioned whether Adriano Satta had the commitment to do the Amazing 12 Chichester. He has now successfully graduated twice!

He made me eat my words two years ago when, to test him out, I asked him to turn up every day for a week to show me he could do it. Of course, he did. 

Now he’s one of the most committed clients I’ve worked with. I’m not sure if it’s becoming a dad or husband (his wife Stacey also just did the Amazing 12) that has made the difference. But over the 12 weeks he attended almost 92% of the gym training sessions and the few he missed were only because he had to travel to Africa for work for nearly a week during the third week.

Because of his busy schedule, we had to shuffle training sessions several times to make it work. Adriano runs his own business and travels to London several times each week. More than once he got stuck in London during the tube strikes. But he would try to find any way he could to get to the gym in time. 

Sometimes we rearranged training sessions for the early morning so he didn’t have to miss out. It was always at Adriano’s request.

MAKING PROGRESS: that’s what the program is about

Tired or worn out or ready for action, Adriano, a former Italian paratrooper in his younger days (19), came in and gave it his all. He was dedicated to getting the best results.

It’s fair to say his first transformation saw him get leaner. But this time round he became stronger and packed on more muscle, which was his aim.

SIDE VIEW: Adriano beefed up through the chest, back and shoulder   (Photo: Sue Saunders Photography)

Being of a small build, gaining muscle had always been difficult. Had he not missed that one week, his progress would have been even greater. Adriano, 40, visibly bulked up his chest, back and shoulders. He dropped body fat and weight, too, going from 68kg to 65kg.

He took nearly a week off after the Amazing 12 and then I retested his strength levels. He had never previously deadlifted more than 95kg, but safely did 115kg!

His back squat went from 80kg (for one rep) to 90kg (for two) and with good form. He did a solid strict shoulder press with 73% of his bodyweight.

Like several others on the program, Adriano came into it unable to do a single chin-up, despite having managed to do them on the Amazing 12 in 2015.

NEW FRONTIERS: Adriano doing chin-ups with a weight attached

By week 11 this time he was knocking out chin-ups again without difficulty and during our strength session managed one with 14kg attached, something he’d never achieved previously.

“I’m very happy with my results,” he said.

Conditioning, though, is an area he wants to concentrate more on as he feels this is his weakness. Adriano has aspirations to do an Ironman triathlon within the next few years.

On the prowler test during the Amazing 12 he struggled for 3 minutes 5 seconds in week 1, but got his best time down to 2 minutes 11 seconds. That’s a significant difference for a short challenge.

Across the board, Adriano made progress. He matched or exceeded what he achieved first time in every movement. For the initial weeks during his first Amazing 12 we had to concentrate a lot on honing the techniques and making sure his form was not compromised, but this time around he executed nearly everything with far greater skill.

I can remember him struggling to press 8kg dumbbells on one movement in 2015, but he was capable of working with 18kg this time. 

NOT JUST FOR SHOW: Adriano is stronger, fitter and a much better mover   (Photos: Sue Saunders Photography)

Adriano’s ability to refine his movement has improved immeasurably. We still joke about how out of sorts he was with practically every lift and technique when we first started working together.

The first Amazing 12 experience was different in other ways, too. “It was more a challenge with myself in 2015,” explained Adriano.

“I had never trained with that type of intensity. It was more about learning to go through pain and to commit to something outside my comfort zone. I was counting the days last time.”

On this occasion, though, Adriano says he didn’t once think about the finish.

“It was more about the journey,” he said. “I just enjoyed being more in control of the movements and my body. I was more aware of what I was doing in terms of exercising and working out.”

COMPARISON: Adriano today compared with how he looked when he finished the Amazing 12 first time (Photos: Sue Saunders Photography)

Adriano had a much better comprehension of why we train and what we eat. He now understands it to the point that his focus is on continuing to develop. He has set himself new goals.  

The Amazing 12 is more than about just training for the sake of getting stronger, fitter, leaner and more muscular. It’s an education in strength and conditioning and understanding nutrition.

Maybe Adriano didn’t fully grasp that in 2015. But there was definitely a shift in attitude this time.

“This time the Amazing 12 is the beginning of the journey. Last time it was the end.”

You, too, can have results like Adriano’s. But it takes commitment and discipline. If you think you can stick to the training, follow a healthy nutritional program and are interested either in my eight-week version of the Amazing 12, starting on May 8, or a 12-week wave in September, send an email to

4 thoughts on “Adriano (April 2017)”

  1. Tremendous results both in the aesthetic & strength.
    A Program that never ceases to amaze!

    Anyone, no matter where they are now will surpass many times over what they imagine will be possible in such a short time frame.

    Age isn’t a barrier – I’ve done it twice myself aged 49 & 50 plus several others over 40, 50 (women & men) & even 60. The results are incredible, often challenged as ‘Photoshopped’ which they never are. That’s the mark of how good this Program is!

    It’s the closest thing to certainty in the uncertain, overhyped & often misleading world of fitness I’ve found in 35 years of training for normal, everyday people.

    If you’ve a chance to do it grab it with both hands!!

    1. Totally agree, Phil. You are extraordinary evidence of the power of the Amazing 12. Some results are undoubtedly better than others, but my experience tells me that the most impressive A12 transformations come from those who come closest to adhering to the process 100%. The world of fitness is indeed misleading and confusing, but the A12 has in its favour not just many coaches of extremely high calibre and reputation, but more than a decade of high quality results.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. It is amazing how this program continues to produce exceptional results, which, to me, simply confirms how the human body, when trained properly, has the potential to continue evolving, improving and adapting.

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