Kari’s story


KARIEN GLADMAN, from Waterlooville, though originally from South Africa, told me: “I know where I want to be, but don’t know how to get there.”

Kari wants a change of lifestyle and to get into eating cleanly. Her desire is to discover her athletic potential. She’s a life-long fitness enthusiast and (23 years ago) a former aerobics instructor. One of her dreams is to climb to base camp Everest.

Tall and lean Kari has done some CrossFit and Tough Mudder races, but lost her way after being at her fittest in 2015. She is motivated to be healthy and fit and admits in the past she may have over-trained in her desire to get conditioned.

I’m excited to work with her. She was knocking on my door to be a part of this wave. That told me one thing: she has the necessary commitment and enthusiasm. She also understands this is going to be a process.