Sharing the ring with a master


TOP sportsmen often make what they do look easy. Sometimes it’s only when you see them up close – I mean really close – that you fully appreciate their talent.

I got close with this jab, but not close enough. This was me trying to hit Herol Graham, former British, European and Commonwealth middleweight champion and considered by many to be the best British boxer never to be crowned world champion.

I can’t even remember when this took place, but am fairly certain it was around 1982 or 1983. At the time Herol was undefeated and, almost literally, untouchable because his defensive skills were so brilliant. I was a mere teenager.

The spar took place at what was then the Lonsdale Gym in Carnaby Street, London. It’s not there anymore.

Graham’s manager Brendan Ingle used to take Herol around working men’s clubs in Yorkshire offering money to anyone who could knock him out. No-one ever did. Herol wouldn’t even throw any punches back. It was a way to drum up publicity and give Graham some extra practice.

When I heard Herol was doing something similar in London, I went down to try my luck.

“Bomber”, as he was nicknamed, had incredible reflexes and an uncanny instinct for dodging punches. I think I caught him with one jab. I always had great admiration for him, but even more after seeing and feeling his brilliance up close. But what impressed me even more was his strength and how he so easily could throw you off balance.

I got to know Herol much better in later years. Always found him to be a real gent and still don’t believe he got the recognition he deserved.