Week 9: Adversity is our teacher

HOW many times have you wanted to try something but decided not to because you are afraid to fail? The nine-week mark of the Amazing 12 Chichester is the point at which I notice most drop-outs on this transformation program occur (although it is a very small percentage). I can’t really imagine why you’d go this … Continue reading “Week 9: Adversity is our teacher”

Week 8: What’s your driving force?

MAYBE you have never heard of David Goggins, but he has an incredible story. He may seem like a superhuman, because he’s the only man ever in United States armed service history to complete training for the Navy Seals, Army Ranger school and Air Force tactical air controller. If that were not enough, he set … Continue reading “Week 8: What’s your driving force?”

Week 7: Hormones, fat loss and cholesterol

I’VE heard it said by women hundreds of times in relation to lifting weights that they don’t want to get “too bulky” or “develop big muscles”. In my week 2 blog update I went into some detail about the importance – for women and men – of having muscles. And when you consider that from … Continue reading “Week 7: Hormones, fat loss and cholesterol”

Week 6: Get off your phones!

I HAVE conversations with my 10-year-old son about what life was like growing up without electronic devices and he looks at me in disbelief, like “how could you have existed like that?” The phone-dependency in the gym is somewhat similar. Yes, believe it or not, there were days when people went to the gym without … Continue reading “Week 6: Get off your phones!”

Week 5: It’s all a confidence trick

BESIDES muscles, strength, stability, flexibility, mobility, cardiovascular fitness and health (and I could go on), there’s something incredibly important that the right type of training offers: confidence. I see it with my four Amazing 12 Chichester candidates every day as we train at Core Results and I notice it each Sunday when I work with the … Continue reading “Week 5: It’s all a confidence trick”

Week 4: The numbers game

OUR bodies are incredibly resilient. They are wired for survival. That’s why, in spite of abuse from over and under-eating, poor nutrition, drugs, alcohol, lack of sleep, stress etc, our bodies keep on going…until they can’t. The truth is we take advantage of our bodies. Sometimes – actually, probably quite often – we get warning … Continue reading “Week 4: The numbers game”

Week 3: The key to success

I’M in the business of producing results. That’s what separates something that works from something that does not. In the fitness industry, people want results and more often than not in an unreasonably short time. The Amazing 12 goes beyond fitness because it develops strength, conditioning, mindset, technique, discipline, confidence and a host of other … Continue reading “Week 3: The key to success”

Week 2: Why muscles aren’t just for show

WE need muscle. There can be no disputing that. The amount of muscle, however, is more open to debate. When it comes to losing excess fat, which all of my current Amazing 12 Chichester crew are striving for, developing muscle is king.  We are led to believe is that if we exercise/train more and eat less … Continue reading “Week 2: Why muscles aren’t just for show”

Week 1: If you don’t use it, you lose it

TWO days into the first week of another wave of the Amazing 12 Chichester and Stacey Satta turned to me after I had her do a series of lifts and said, “I’m shocked. I can’t believe how much strength I have lost!” In fairness to Stacey, she’s spent the best part of the last 18 … Continue reading “Week 1: If you don’t use it, you lose it”